- Michael F. Kalinowski, Daniel C. Jordan. Being and Becoming: The ANISA Theory of Development (1973 Summer). To provide children with experience and knowledge, enabling them to direct their own spiritual evolution, we need a theory explaining the nature of "becoming" and development. ANISA is a blueprint for a comprehensive educational system.
- Roland Faber. Manifestation of God in the View of Process Theology, The (2019). On how God can be all-present in the world and at the same time be manifest in the form of human figures, such as Christ or the Hindu Avatars. The philosophy of Whitehead can translate the concept of Manifestation to a multireligious context.
- Daniel C. Jordan. Philosophical Basis of the ANISA Model, The (1974). Talk given at Green Acre Bahá'í School on ANISA, a science-based approach for curriculum development that integrates with new discoveries in human-related sciences. Includes stories of Jordan's spiritual teacher Charlotte Gillan.
- Ian Kluge. Process Philosophy and the Bahá'í Writings: An Initial Exploration (2004). An examination of the Bahá'í Writings in relationship to modern process philosophy (e.g. Whitehead, Hartshorne, Cobb, and de Chardin), and some of the issues related to the formulation a unique Bahá'í version of process thought; some relevant topics.
- Daniel C. Jordan. Summary Statement of the ANISA Model (1974). ANISA is a comprehensive educational system defined by specifications which insure its replicability, evaluation, and refinement. Its objectives are the actualization of human potential and explanations of how to achieve them.